Hands on Data Analytics for Everyone

  • 本文基本包括了 Hands On Data Analysis For Everyone 这门课的quiz和Final的知识点
  • Project 需要学习KNIME软件来建模


Data Analytics

  • Autonomous Driving Car
  • Industrial Production
  • Investment in Financial Markets
  • Scientific Research
  • ......

Data Science Skills

  • Data Engineer: Database, Coding Skills (Computer Programming)
  • Machine Learning Researcher: Math, Statistics, Machine Learning Knowledge (Math/Stat)
  • Filed Knowledge: biology, business...

Chapter 1 Data Analytics Foundations

Data Science: Extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data

Data project life cycle

Data->Data Preparation->Model Training->Model Optimization->Model Testing

Structured Data & Unstructured Data

  • Structured data can be processed by machine directly, while unstructured data cannot.
  • For example the data on student grades collected by the Academic Registry are structured data while the content of student emails is unstructured.
  • Structured data are stored in well designed database such as sales data of a company of the customer relationship management system of a company, while unstructured data could be collected and stored but not in specifically designed database such as phone calls and blog posting on weibo.
  • Structured Data: Excel
  • Unstructured Data: E-mail, Wechat(Social-media)

Common Structured Data Types

  • CSV (Comma-separated values)
  • XML (Extensible Markup Language)
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
  • XLS (Microsoft Excel)

5Comma-Separated Values

  1. Each line of the file is a data record.
  2. Each record consists of one or more attributes. The attributes are separated by commas.

In csv format, new records are separated by new line

第一条记录,可以是字段名: Year,Make,Model,Description,Price
每条记录占一行 以逗号为分隔符 e.g.(1997,Ford,E350,"ac, abs, moon",3000.00)
字段中如果有双引号,该字段必须用双引号括起来 aa,"bb,""cc" ctrl

Data Type

  • Categorical: noun
  • Numeric: number
  • Ordinal: High-Normal-Low

Relation between computer science, statistics and data analytics

If viewed as a pipeline, data analytics is the bridge that connects statistics and computer science.

Difference between computer science, statistics and data analytics

It focuses on using statistical methods to discover insights from data, Statistics is more traditional and theoretical, Computer science focuses on solving all problem in a computable way, including topics in computability, algorithms, system design, networks, artificial intelligence, software engineering,etc.

Chapter 2 Data Processing

Data Summary

Basic Descriptive Statistics

Statistical measures can be used to describe a dataset

  • Range:
  • Min/Max value
  • Mean: µ
  • Variance: µ
  • Standard deviation: µ
  • Median: The middle number[1]
  • Mode: Most frequently occurring value
Percentiles (Quartiles)
  • q%-quantile (0 < q < 100): The value for which q% of the values are smaller and 100-q% are larger. The median is the 50%-quantile
  • Quartiles: 25%-quantile (1st quartile), median (2nd quartile), 75%-quantile (3rd quartile)
  • Interquartile range(IQR):
How to find quartile?
  1. Count the number of observations in the dataset(n).
  2. Sort the observations from smallest to largest.
  3. Find the first/second/third quartile
    Calculate n(1/4)
    If n
    (1/4) is an integer,then the first quartile is the mean of the numbers at this position n(1/4) and n(1/4)+1
    If n*(1/4) is not an integer , then round it up. The number at this position is the first quartile

Data Visualization


Dimension 1
Bar chart
  • A bar chart is a simple way to depict the frequencies of the values of a categorical attribute.
  • A histogram shows the frequency distribution for a numerical attribute.

Bar chart is discrete.
Histogram is continuous.
Bar chart is suitable for categorical data while histogram is for numeric data

Choice of Number of Bins
  • Choosing a low number of bins

    The two peaks of the original distribution are no longer visible, and one gets the wrong impression that the distribution is unimodal.

  • Choosing a high number of bins

    Usually leads to a very scattered histogram in which it is difficult to distinguish true peaks from random peaks.

  • Best Choise

  • Boxplot [2]

  • Boxplots are a very compact way to visualize and summarize the main characteristics of a numeric attribute, through the median, the IQR, and possible outliers.

Dimension 2
Scatter Plot
  • In scatter plots two attributes are plotted against each other
  • Can be enriched with additional features (color, shape, size)
  • Suitable for small number of points; not suitable for large datasets
  • Points can hide each other
Dimension 3
3D plot
Scatter Matrixes
  • A matrix of scatter plots m×m where m is the number of attributes (data dimensionality)
  • For m attributes there are m(m − 1)/2 possible scatter plots
Parallel Coordinates Plot "cuba data"
Radar Plot "spider plots"
  • Similar idea of the Parallel Coordinates plot
  • Axes are drawn in a star-like fashion intersecting in one point
  • Suitable for small datasets
Sunburst Chart

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques

Measure based

Requires min-max-normalization of numeric columns

  • Ratio of missing values: If missing value > threshold, then remove the column.
  • Low variance: If variance < threshold, then remove column. [3]
  • High Correlation: If(corr(var1,var2) > threshold), then remove var1.

Data Cleaning

Missing Values

Missing Value Type
  • Missing Completely At Random (MCAR): the probability that a value for X is missing does neither depend on the value of X nor on other variables. (Most serious)
  • Missing At Random (MAR): the probability that Y is missing depends only on the value of X.
  • Not Missing At Random (NMAR): the probability that Y is missing depends on the unobserved value of Y itself
Missing Values Imputation
  • Ignore or delete the record
  • Fill in (impute) missing value as “unknown”,mean/median/mode [4]


  • An outlier is a value or data object that is far away or very different from all or most of the other data.
  • Errors in measurements or exceptional conditions that don't describe the common functioning of the underlying system.
Outlier Detection Techniques
  • We know that a 200 year old person must be a mistake
  • We know that “A” in a number corpus is an outlier
  • Distance from the median
  • Position in the distribution tails
Statistical Methods
  • Quantile-based: Box plot
  • Distribution-based: Z-Score
Data Normalization
  • min–max normalization
  • z-score standardization
  • robust z-score standardization
  • decimal scaling

Feature Engineering

Scale Conversion
  • Categorical → Numerical: map categorical and ordinal values to a set of binary values
  • Numerical → Categorical: Discretization (equal-width, equal-depth, V-optimal)

Data Integration

Vertical Data Integration

Concatenation: (column do not change)

  • Unify database structures
  • Remove duplicates
Horizontal Data Integration

Join: (column change)

  • Overrepresentation of items
  • Data explosion

Chapter 3 Machine Learning

Supervised Learning && Unsupervised Learning

Supervised Learning

The learner is provided with a set of data inputs together with the corresponding desired outputs

  • Data act as a “teacher”
  • Classification & Regression
  • teach kids to recognize different animals
  • grade examinations with correct answer provided

Unsupervised Learning

Training examples as input patterns, with no associated output

  • no “teacher”
  • Clustering
  • similarity measure exists to detect groupings/ clusterings
    Main differences: unsupervised learning has no “teacher”, supervised learning uses labeled input and
    output data, while an unsupervised learning does not

Classification and Regression (Supervised Learning)

Regression Problem

The target variable that we’re trying to predict is continuous. eg.(living areas and prices)

Classification problem

The target variable can take on only a small number of discrete values. eg.(insurance)

Linear Regression

Given a training set, to learn a function (hypothesis/model) f: X ⟼ Y, so that f(x) is a “good” predictor for the corresponding value of y.

  • The model is in linear in terms of parameters and .
  • Linear regression with one variable (univariate linear regression).

Linear Regression Evaluation

  • Mean absolute error (MAE)
  • Mean squared error (MSE)
  • Root mean squared error (RMSE)
  • R-squared [5]
  • Training error/Empirical error: the error of the learner/model on the training data
  • Generalization error: the error on the new data


Classification accuracy

The percentage of test set tuples that are correctly classified by the classifier

Confusion matrix
Consider a two-class problem and the confusion matrix below
Class C1(predicted) C2(predicted) Total Accuracy
C1 true positives (TP) false negatives (FN) positives(P) TP/P
C2 false positives (FP) true negatives (TN) negatives(N) TN/N
Total predicted positives(Pp) predicted negatives(Pn) All (TP+TN)/All

Decision Tree

  • Each internal nodedenotes a test on an attribute
  • Each branch represents an outcome of the test
  • Each leaf node holds a class label

Clustering (Unsupervised Learning)

Discover hidden structures in unlabeled data
Clustering identifies a finite set of groups (clusters) in the dataset such that:

  • Objects within the same cluster shall be as similar as possible
  • Objects of different clusters () shall be as dissimilar as possible
  • Customer segmentation
  • Molecule search [6]
  • Anomaly detection [7]
  • Structuring large sets of text documents [8]
  • Generating thematic maps from satellite images [9]

Types of Clustering Approach

  • Linkage Based
    e.g. Hierarchical Clustering
  • Clustering by Partitioning
    e.g. k-Means

(Dis-)similarity Functions for Numeric Attributes

  • Minkowski-Distance ()
  • Euclidean Distance ()
  • Manhattan-Distance ()

  1. Found by ordering all data points and picking out the one in the middle - or if there are two middle numbers, taking the mean of those two numbers↩︎
  2. The middle line of the box, which is the median of the data, represents the average of the sample data. The upper and lower limits of the box are the upper and lower quartiles of the data, respectively. This means that the box contains 50% of the data. The height of the box partly reflects how fluctuating the data is. Above and below the box, there is a line. Represents the maximum and minimum values, sometimes some points "pop out", which can be understood as "outliers"↩︎
  3. Only works for numeric columns↩︎
  4. A predicted value based on the other attributes (inference-based such as
    Bayesian, Decision Tree↩︎
  5. Proportion of the variance for a dependent variable that’s explained by the regression model.Normally ranges from 0 to 1, the closer to 1 the better performance.↩︎
  6. Find molecules with similar structure to already working ones↩︎
  7. Find unusual patterns in data from sensors monitoring mechanical engines↩︎
  8. hierarchical clustering of the text documents↩︎
  9. clustering sets of raster images of the same area (feature vectors)↩︎