title: DBMS-review
author: AllenYGY
date: 2023-11-03
status: DONE
created: 2023-12-27T21:40
updated: 2024-05-31T00:55
publish: True
Find all the candidate keys
Decompose the schema in BCNF
Is Loss-less join Decompositon
Is Dependency Preservation
Find canonical cover of the functional dependencies
- 函数右部依赖分解为单属性
- 消除冗余属性
- 消除冗余的函数依赖
Decompose the schema in 3NF
- Fm
- 合并左部相同
- 每个FD构成新的R
- 在构成的R中如果每个R都不存在 R 的候选键,那么把 R 的候选键作为一个模式放入模式集