date: 2024-09-07
title: "Logical chain"
- AllenYGY
- write
publish: True
Logical chain
With the advancement of the economy, individuals with __ are able to indulge in a wide array of affordable __
Considering _ , people may _ , thereby leading to____
With the advancement of the economy, individuals with greater purchasing powers are able to indulge in a wide array of affordable food options. Considering their low cost and ability to satisfy cravings, people may purchase food without hesitation, thereby leading to avoidable waste.
As the economy develops, individuals with higher purchasing power can now indulge in a diverse range of entertainment options and experience. In pursuit of better relaxation, they are increasingly inclined to spend quality time with friends or family in shopping malls, theaters, restaurants, and even during international travel, leading to few hours spent at home.
spend quality time with fiends or family in <place>
shopping malls, theaters, restaurants
international travels
话费更少的时间在 ...
few hours spent <> /at home
With the advancement of the <> / As the <> develops , individuals with <> are able to / can now indulge in a diverse range of <>.
Considering <n.>, people may <v>, thereby leading to <n.>.
In pursuit of <n.>, they are increasingly inclined to <v.>, leading to <n.>.
<> 对 <> 的需求增长/ 在 ... 的消费,会给<>带来收入
Tourists' spending on local accommodation, food, transportation, and entertainment will bring a significant amount of income to the local service industry.
This not only increases government tax revenue but also provides employment opportunities and promotes economic development.
<> 对 <> 的需求减少, 会减少 <> 的收入和政府税收, 造成大规模失业,不利于经济发展/甚至经济危机
The reduction or even disappearance of consumer demand for <> will greatly reduce the income of the <> industry and government tax revenue, and even cause mass unemployment, which will lead to economic downturn and social instability
The reduction or even disappearance of consumer demand for fast food and other unhealthy food items will greatly reduce the income of the catering industry and government tax revenue, and even cause mass unemployment, which will lead to economic downturn and social instability.
由于<>技术的进步和<>的普及,相当于<>, 人们更能便利/安全/更多选择/低成本/更<>体验<>, 例如: 当人们像<> , 可以通过<> 非常<> 地<>
Due to the advancement in <> technology and the widespread use of <>, people are able to <> compared to <>, saving time and energy.
For instance, when <> , which requires <>, <> may not meet their needs
Due to the advancement in transportation technology and the wide spread use of private cars, people are able to reach their destination more quickly and comfortably compared to bicycles, saving time and energy. For instance, when people need to go shopping or travel, which requires carrying goods or traveling long distances, cycling may not meet their needs.
相对于<>, 传统的<> 更能保障<>,(效果/体验/氛围),因为人们在<>时,更能<>
还可以用于新旧之争: 便利/安全/选择/成本/体验/效果
Compared to <>, traditional <> provide a superior <> .
When <>, they can <>. This allows for <>, proving that <> are irreplaceable by <>.
Compared to online reading, traditional libraries provide a superior reading experience and atmosphere. When readers are surrounded by other book lovers at a quiet desk, they can fully immerse themselves in the content of the books without distraction from constant pop-up ads or information. This allows for a more enjoyable deep reading experience, proving that public libraries are irreplaceable by computers.
例如<>, 导致题目的现象
In the fast-paced modern society, competition among people in various industries has intensified.
In order to <>, they <>, such as <>, which <>.
In the fast-paced modern society, competition among people in various industries has intensified.
In order to achieve a better life, they have to invest more time and effort into work and study, such as working overtime, going on business trips, or participating in extracurricular training even on weekends or during leisure time, which greatly reduce their time at home.
In today's fast-paced society, competition in various industries has intensified, promoting individuals to sharpen their competitive edge by investing additional time and effort in their work and self-improvement to gain a foothold. This requires them to sacrifice their time at home to work overtime, embark on business trips, or participate in extracurricular training, all of which significant reduce their time spent at home in pursuit of a better life.