Appreciation of AM Rubric

Appreciation of Applied Mathematics

Theme: Learning and sharing mathematical topics suitable for non-technical audience.

  • If you are new to a field or a topic, can you quickly get a taste, by working through simple examples and asking experts questions that you care about?
  • If you are already familiar with a topic, can you effectively communicate its main ideas and concrete examples to others with much less experience?

20% Attendance

  • 10% reflection journal: by the end of each lecture day, write briefly about your thoughts, and submit a scanned or electronic copy. What matters is that you keep thinking and practice free writing. For example, in your own words,

    • Describe the main concepts and ideas;
    • Reflect on how the topics relates to your own training and experience: Have you seen this before, does it feel similar to something that you know...
    • Questions that you have: Points that you do not quite understand, your doubts and confusion, follow-up questions that you wish to ask...
    • What you liked or disliked about the presentation: explanations, examples, historic background, pacing... If you are to present a similar topic to a non-technical audience, what would you have done differently?
  • 10% group participation: each class I will call a few groups, and each group chooses representatives to join the active discussion.

    • Active: +2 points. Absentee in group: -1 point. Others in group: +1 point.
    • Every group will have multiple chances.
    • By the end of semester, according to relative ranking, I will award, say, 4, 6, 7, 8% score to individuals.

50% Homework

Details to be determined. Idea:

  • 20% (bi)weekly problem sets, 2-3 questions each;
  • 10% x 2 written work, say
    1. a longer journal entry on your learnings.
    2. a book review for popular math books [Book list will be provided.]
  • 10% mid-term in-class exercise to check basic understanding and writing ability.

30% Group Project

Details to be determined. The topic should be non-technical. I wish to see 3 components:

  • A 15-minute group presentation.
  • A file for sharing that other groups can read about your topic.
  • An interactive activity that other groups can participate in; mini activity fair.