Discrete Mathematics Assignment-8


This graph is directed. Because the adjacency matrix is not symmetric



The two graphs are isomorphic.


  • Base Case (n = 1):
    For a cube of dimension n = 1, we have 2 vertices connected by an edge. We can easily divide these two vertices into two separate sets, forming a bipartite graph.
    For a cube of dimension n = 2, we have 4 vertices connected by an edge. We can easily divide these two vertices into two separate sets like forming a bipartite graph.
  • Inductive Hypothesis:
    Assume that a cube of dimension k is bipartite, where k ≥ 1.
  • Inductive Step:
    Now we need to show that a cube is also bipartite. Consider a cube , which is obtained by adding one layer of vertices to the cube . Let's call this additional layer "L". Each vertex in layer L is connected to exactly one vertex in the cube . Now, we can divide the vertices of into two sets, S₁ and S₂.
    Next, we assign each vertex in layer L to the opposite set of its connected vertex in . In other words, if a vertex in L is connected to a vertex in S₁, we assign it to S₂, and vice versa. This assignment ensures that no two vertices within the same set (S₁ or S₂) are adjacent, including the newly added layer L.
    Therefore, we have successfully divided the vertices of into two sets, S₁ and S₂, such that no two vertices within the same set are adjacent. Hence, by induction, we can conclude that a cube of dimension n is bipartite for n ≥ 1.
  • This completes the proof.




It's clear that the graph is planar. it can be drawn in the plane without any edges crossing
b) It has Euler Circuit cause the thorem A connected multi-graph has an Euler circuit if and
only if each vertex has even degree. The vertex in the graph all has 4 edges. Therefore, it must have Euler Circuit.
c) It has Hamilton Circuits such that 1->2->3 ->4 ->5 ->6->1


Consider the following graph G = (V, E), where V = {1, 2, 3, 4} and E = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 1), (1, 3)}.
This graph satisfies the condition that for any two non-adjacent vertices u and v in G,
For example, if we take u = 1 and v = 4, then
However, this graph does not have a Hamilton circuit.
Therefore, we have shown that the converse of Ore's theorem is false by providing a counterexample.