
Representing Graphs

Adjacency matrix

  • Mostly used for the graph with many edges (dense graph);

Adjacency table (list)

  • Mostly used for the graph with few edges (sparse graph).


Graph Isomorphism(图同构)

The simple graphs and are isomorphic if

  • There is a bijection (1-1, onto) such that:
  • .
  • Graphic invariants are the things that isomorphic graphs must have in common
    • the same number of vertices,
    • the same number of edges,
    • the degrees of corresponding vertices are the same,
    • same graph type,
    • same number, and types, of sub-graphs.

Graph Connectivity


A path of length n from vertex u to vertex v is a sequence of n edges such that , starts at u and ends at v.


A circuit is a path that begins and ends at the same vertex in graph.


Simple path/circuit

  • A simple path or circuit does not pass through the same edge twice or more.(不经过同样的边两次以上).

Simple Circuit

Graph Connectedness

  • Undirected Graph
    • An undirected graph is connected if there is a path between every pair of distinct vertices.
  • Directed Graph
    • A directed graph is strongly connected if there is a path from a to b and from b to a whenever a and b are vertices in the graph.
    • A directed graph is weakly connected if, after all the arrows are removed, the undirected graph is connected.

Euler Path/Circuit

  • An Euler path in G is a simple path containing every edge of G.(不需回到起点)

  • An Euler circuit in a graph G is a simple circuit containing every edge of G.(回到起点)

  • Theorem: (欧拉路径)

    • A connected multi-graph has an Euler path (not an Euler circuit) iff it has exactly 2 vertices of odd degree. (两个奇度点)
  • Theorem: (欧拉回路)

    • A connected multi-graph has an Euler circuit if and only if each vertex has even degree. (无奇度点)

Hamilton Path/Circuit

  • A Hamilton path is a path that traverses each vertex in G exactly once.
  • A Hamilton circuit is a circuit that traverses each vertexin G exactly once.

How to find the Hamilton circuits? Some sufficient conditions can help

  • Ore's theorem
    If for every pair of nonadjacent vertices u and v in the simple graph G with n vertices, , then G has a Hamilton circuit.
  • Dirac's theorem
    If the degree of each vertex is great than or equals n/2 in the connected simple graph G with n vertices where n > 3 then G has a Hamilton circuit.

Planar Graphs

  • A graph is planar if it can be drawn in the plane without any edges crossing
  • The drawing is called a planar representation of the graph.

Euler’s Formula

  • In a planar representation of G
    • e: number of edges
    • v: number of vertices
    • r: number of regions
    • r=e-v+2

Euler’s Formula

  • There are three ways to determine if a graph is not a planar-graph.
    • If G is a connected planar simple graph with e edges and v vertices with v > 3, then e ≤ 3v - 6
      • That is, if e > 3v- 6, G is not a planar graph
    • lf G is a connected planar simple graph, then G has a vertex of degree not exceeding 5
    • If G has no vertex of degree below 5, G is not a planar-graph.
    • If G is a connected simple graph where v > 3 and no circuits of length 3, then e < 2v - 4. if v > 3 and no circuits of length 3 and e > 2v - 4then G is not a planar graph.

对于一个连通的简单平面图G,如果它有e条边和v个顶点,其中v > 3,则e ≤ 3v - 6。也就是说,如果e > 3v - 6,则G不是平面图。
对于一个简单图G,如果它是连通的,v > 3,并且没有长度为3的回路,则e < 2v - 4。
如果v > 3,没有长度为3的回路,并且e > 2v - 4,则G不是平面图。