Network Deconvolution

Network deconvolution as a general method to distinguish direct dependencies in networks

Network Deconvolution

Removes the combined effect of all indirect paths of arbitrary length in a closed-form solution


By exploiting eigen-decomposition and infinite-series sums


represents the similarity value
between the observed patterns of variables and in the network.



We assume that the observed dependency matrix, , comprises both direct and indirect dependency effects



Indirect contributions

  • Can be length 2 or higher
  • Can be multiple effects along varying paths
  • Not included Self-loops


The power associated with each term in corresponds to the level of indirection contributed by that term. 幂次指的是间接程度


By using the eigen decomposition principle, we have




By using the eigen decomposition of the observed network ,
we have , where

Network deconvolution Methods

1. Linear Scaling Step

2. Decomposition Step

3. Deconvolution Step

Linear Scaling Step

The observed dependency matrix is scaled linearly so that all eigenvalues of the direct dependency matrix are between −1 and 1.

线性缩放使所有特征值在 -1~1 之间

Decomposition Step

The observed dependency matrix Gobs is decomposed to its eigenvalues and eigenvectors such that


  • is the matrix of eigenvectors,
  • is a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues of ,
  • is the inverse of the eigenvector matrix .


Deconvolution Step

A diagonal eigenvalue matrix is formed whose component is

Then, the output direct dependency matrix is obtained as

Deconvolution Step

Several network applications:

  • Distinguishing direct targets in gene expression regulatory networks
    • 区分基因表达调控网络中的直接目标
  • Recognizing directly interacting amino-acid residues for protein structure prediction from sequence alignments
    • 通过序列比对识别直接相互作用的氨基酸残基以预测蛋白质结构
  • Distinguishing strong collaborations in co-authorship social networks using connectivity information alone.
    • 仅使用连接信息来区分共同创作社交网络中的强协作。

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